I love my zazzle.com store. It allows me to put my "Fun Art" up for people to see and purchase. But the site is huge and can be very intimidating to get to the particular item you want to purchase. So I thought I would give you some pointers on getting around. Im not very proficient on all the computer jargon but I think I know enough to get you around the site. I find there are 2 main ways I like to navigate through the site.
one of my rooster pillows |
First off though, Zazzle.com is know as a POD (print on demand) web company. They handle all of the merchandise and have it in stock. They print on the items when they are purchased by you the consumer and then they package it and send it to you. Zazzle has over 250 items available for artists like me to upload my images to and then put them in my store to sell. The site has a large body of artist that have these "Stores" where they can show and sell their particular wares. The artists vary hugely, from hand drawn individual artists, like me, to Disney,Pixar Hasbro etc and large corporations.
First Way.- If you dont know a specific stores name.
When you get to zazzle.com's home page
http://www.zazzle.com/ you will have to choose where you want to go or what you want to buy. The easiest way is to type in the search box-top right hand corner- exactly what you are looking for. Be specific. Narrowing your choices. OR you can put in the category you want and a get all of the items in that category. For example: "blue jelly bean bags" for specific or just "blue bags", if you want to see them all. the second way will give you hundreds of choices. sometimes too many.
Typing in the specific "blue jellybean bags" brings all the products that have tags or "keywords" related to that item. All of the blue jellybean bag listings will appear on the pages that come up and allow you to see them all . You will be in
If you want to get a more indepth view of one listing, click on the picture of your listing choice and it will take you to that listing directly. If you dont like that listing you can "page back" on your browser or you can hit the "Z" for zazzle button at the top of the page and start again as that will take you to the home page. OR you can scroll down and find the designers "store", click on that hyperlink and it will take you to that particular artists storefront. From there you can choose from all of the designs that they offer. I have over 3000 items available in my store:
http://www.zazzle.com/linsartwork* and climbing. I want to have over 35,000 at least in the next year or so.
When you find an item that you like you can either buy it as is- just click on the "add to cart" button and finish the transaction as any other webstore. OR you can "customize it" to your specific needs.
For customization, click the "customize it" button at the bottom of the listing photo. It will take you to a page that allows you to change areas of that specific jellybean bag if the shop owner allows. Some owners will give you carte blanche and you can change it all. and some owners only allow partial customization. On the right hand side of the screen you will see an area that may allow you to change the image, put up your own image, change the style of bag and/or the color of the bag that zazzle sells. If you change the entire bag, the shop owner will still get their commission from that sale because the changes were done in their store from their listing.
Second Way. -If you know a stores name.
On the zazzle homepage in the search box type in a specific store that you want to go to. lets say mine: linsartwork. It will bring you to my storefront. I have all of my work in categories so that it is a little easier to navigate and find what you are looking for. Click on a category of interest and it will show you all of the items in that category. again click on the specific one you like and either purchase, customize it or back track out of that listing and find another.
You can also go to my linsartwork stores search bar and type in a specific or general item such as: "square kingfisher necklaces" or just "necklace". as was said before the more specific in the wording gives you the items that only have those tag words. "necklace" will give you all of the necklaces I have listed in all categories.
necklace with kingfisher watercolor print from my watercolor sketches |
You can also go to an area called "profile"- this is a biography page on the artist store owner. It allows you to know a little more about the artist themselves. Also there is a "contact" button if you would like to ask a question or request a special custom order. The last button I'll mention is the "like" button at the bottom of the stores homepage that allows you to show that you f"like" and favor this store. These buttons are found either at the bottom of all listings or at the bottom of the main store front page. It is important to the artists to click on the "like" button as it shows the artist that they are doing well.
Also, if you want a specific item that is not listed, you can always ask the store owner if they can make it. I will always accept and make custom orders so don't hesitate to ask.
Zazzle also has many coupons for their items. always check the bar at the top of the page to see what the sales are on for that day. when purchasing put in the code they give you and you will get the percentage off your purchase price.
I hope this was helpful to you. As in all websites the more you navigate through it the better you'll know it.
from my What the Cluck T shirt collection |
Have fun on zazzle.com